俄亥俄州哥伦布市认证的整形外科医生 Dr. 杰弗里·H. 唐纳森 answers your most personal and practical questions about the 妈妈改造 procedure.
A 妈妈改造 is an umbrella term we use for any combination of surgeries that address the parts of the body most affected by pregnancy and childbirth. 典型的妈咪造型可能包括以下任何一种组合:
任何健康的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, has those typical anatomic changes that are associated with pregnancy. 这些变化可能包括腹肌分离, 多余的皮下脂肪可能在分娩后残留, 拉伸皮肤, 妊辰纹, 或者畸形或者重叠在他们的 剖腹产疤痕.
一些女性的乳房可能是通过母乳喂养而缩小的, which is characterized by a lack of fullness in the upper pole of the breast, 或者是缺少乳沟线. A 隆胸 can provide roundness for someone whose breast tissue has fallen lower on their chest, 或者他们甚至可以从 乳房提升. There are also patients whose breast tissue tends to grow and enlarge after pregnancy, 在这种情况下 乳房缩小术 可能需要搭个便车.
澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 可能有小阴唇增大 or the inner lips of their vaginal area may require tightening or reduction, 哪一种通常被称为阴唇成形术.
不一定! The “妈妈改造” moniker is given because these changes are typical through pregnancy and childbirth, but similar changes can occur through massive weight change or weight loss, 或者只是通过我们自己的基因.
I recommend waiting at least 6 months from the time you finish breastfeeding to pursue any form of breast procedure. 你的乳房会随着时间不断变化, 你可以在几个月甚至几年之后看到残余的通货紧缩. It is possible to have an operation that might have been different had the breast tissue been given time to settle back into its normal state after pregnancy.
是的,这是常规腹部成形术的一部分 腹部除皱这通常是妈咪改造的一部分.
通常在怀孕期间, the rectus muscles of the abdomen (or the “six pack”) tend to spread apart. 这里有一个小肌腱,叫做 白线 that brings those muscles together; during pregnancy that can stretch to the point where what used to be a flat floor is now rounded or somewhat soft, 导致你的腹部肌肉分离和变弱. 在腹部整形手术中, sutures are used to bring the outer covering of those muscles back together and reconstruct that tendon down the middle, 这些腹肌是肩并肩向后伸展的. 修复这一断层 makes it possible to get back that nice flat core that existed before pregnancy.
It certainly depends on what kind of combination of procedures are chosen. 通常, 如果有乳房手术和腹部除皱手术, it’s usually anywhere from a week to two weeks away from ordinary responsibilities, 在进行任何剧烈运动前一个月到六周.
Generally, it’s best for patients to be within 15 to 20 pounds of their natural realistic weight. Most people are, so as long as they’re within that zone, then it would be safe. 除此之外, 这是良好营养的问题, 良好的休息, 锻炼, 为手术做好生理和心理上的准备.
植入物的选择是一个高度定制的过程 在那里我们讨论比例,解剖,目标和欲望. Most often, we use a round, smooth silicone implant of moderate or high profile. The size is generally determined by the patient’s measurements and their own goals in terms of size and shape.
这取决于选择什么澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 而是为了隆胸, 会有一个非常细小的疤痕, approximately one inch long that is hidden within the fold under the breast. 腹部除皱手术也同样平滑, would run right below the bikini line above pubic area from hip to hip across the front of the abdomen. Generally 腹部除皱 scars are not carried out to the sides of the flanks.
Any 抽脂术 would be done through very small, quarter-inch incisions that are well concealed. 然后, 当然, 阴唇成形术可以减少疤痕, 通常完全没有任何疤痕组织.
是的. 然而, 如果澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台积极计划要更多的孩子, 我们通常建议他们等到他们完成. In the event that a patient would become pregnant after a 妈妈改造, 可能需要进行一些修补澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.
Where do you perform 妈妈改造s, is an overnight stay required?
Mommy makeovers are outpatient procedures that we perform in an outpatient surgical center in the Columbus, 俄亥俄州的区域. 不需要过夜, but for someone who lives out of state or has more complex medical concerns, 过夜总是可以安排的.
如果澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台知道他们想要做多次手术, then typically we will combine anything that can be done within a six-hour time frame. That is the point at which the risk curve tends to increase with more anesthesia. There is also an advantage in terms of only having a single recovery period, it offers small financial advantages to combine multiple procedures.
没有合适的妈妈化妆年龄! Anyone over the age of 18 who has had children is usually a good candidate for a 妈妈改造 procedure. 遗传、健康史和背景都起作用.
Why should I choose 唐纳森整形外科 for my 妈妈改造?
妈妈大变身是我们非常出名的. A lot of patients trust us to do multiple procedures for them at the same time, 我们取得了很好的成果. 总是有澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台对我们的员工赞不绝口, 关于我们的流程, 关于我们的结果, 而且伤口愈合得很好.
我有兴趣和. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特想给妈妈改头换面?
作为一名合格的整形外科医生, 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 帮助了哥伦布无数的妇女, Ohio and beyond decide if 妈妈改造 surgery was the right move forward for them. He uses his 20+ years of hands-on experience to help guide patients through the decision-making process before performing their successful set of cosmetic surgeries.
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强壮的下巴已经成为男子气概的象征, 是什么原因导致越来越多的男性寻求手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, nonsurgical and even 锻炼 options to improve the appearance of their jawline.